What do you mean I have to go to class?!

Don't worry guys, life isn't a complete fairy-tale here at Harlaxton. We have this thing that most of you in the states are pretty familiar with- it's this awful invention called class. I don't know why they make us do it! It should qualify under the category of cruel and unusual punishment, especially here. I mean, we're in a castle... in England... we should be having balls and dinner parties, not being forced to read mountains of books. Here is the ridiculously long list of books I have to read this semester:

For Sociology:
The Code of the Street
Super Rich
The End of Poverty

For Shakespeare:
As you Like It
A Midsummer Night's Dream
The Winter's Tale
Henry V
Richard III
Measure for Measure
Antony and Cleopatra
Twelfth Night
King Lear

For British Studies:
Henry IV part I
North and South
The Beggar's Opera
The Penguin Illustrated History of Britain and Ireland From Earliest Times to the Present Day
British Studies Course Handbook

Yes. I have to read ALL of those. So, anytime you feel a little twinge of jealousy that I am here, in a castle, in England, just think, "Man, I am so glad I don't have to read an insane number of books like she does."

But in all honesty, Sociology and Shakespeare are probably going to be really good classes. I think I'm going to enjoy them a lot. Don't get me wrong, they're going to be a lot of work, but I'm interested in both topics, so I should enjoy the work. Shakespeare is one of those subjects that I feel like I should be familiar with. I started thinking about it and realized that I know hardly anything about Shakespeare, and yet posess a disgusting amount of knowledge of Harry Potter. That will hopefully change this semester. British Studies, on the other hand, I probably will not enjoy so much. I am not a history person at all, and this course moves really quickly apparently. I'm a slow learner when it comes to history. Quick course + slow learner= certain disaster. But, I will try- that's all I can do.
My schedule is great though! On Monday and Wednesday I have my British Studies lecture from 8:30-9:30, then a break until 11, when I have my British Studies seminar until 12. Then, I'm done for the day! On Tuesday and Thursday, I have Sociology from 8:30-9:45, then Shakespeare from 10:15-11:30, then I'm done! And today we found out that our Shakespeare professor thinks our class is too big for the style of class she wants to hold, so she's splitting us into two groups. One group will only meet on Tuesday, and the other group will only meet on Thursday. We'll still be doing all the work, but only meeting to discuss it once a week. So yes, in short, my life here is fabulous so far!
This weekend we go to London! I'm so excited! I'll either update while I'm there or when I get back. Probably not before, since I don't forsee anything too terribly exciting happening between tonight and Friday morning. If something does happen, however, you'll know!

Hope you're all having a great day!


Anne said...

Let me know what you think of The Beggar's Opera...I read it for Brit Lit last semester!

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